Thursday, June 3, 2010

flower buys (no longer selling)

hello everyone, so i had to redo my page. Here are some new flowers i am posting up. they are all hand made. the prices are listed below. you can purchase these by clicking on the "buy it" button and it'll take you to paypal (which is the only method i use)

This is a package with two flowers. One white with gold tulle and one blue with gold tulle. This page is $2.50 and $1.50 for shipping.

this is a package with 3 flowers all also handmade with fibers and fabrics. the price is $3.50 and $1.50 for shipping.

this is a pack of flowers of 3. They are all handmade and sew. Each package will come with a lace flower and two silk flower. the price is $4.00 and $1.50 for shipping.

Monday, February 22, 2010

12x12 page layout

hello everyone. so i just finish a 12x12 using the dcwv paper stack mariposa collection. i didnt do any embossing or any of those more time consuming techniques. i basically kept it simple. well, thanks for stopping by.


Friday, February 19, 2010

one of my first mini album

hello. thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog. this is one of my unfinish mini albums. for some reason i'm very bad at finishing mini albums that why i prefer 12x12 pages.

Hello everyone

Hello. thanks for stopping by on my blog.